Friday, May 13, 2011

So i tripped on a rug and hit my head and i wasn't out of it, but my head hurt and i could still hear the noise and then i saw him. He was about 8 feet tall and looked to be 400 pounds and had really big feet. then as he got closer i saw that it was my brother. i feel like an idiot but at least i can know for a fact I'm not going to be killed :)
so the repair guy is gone now and I'm alone. the grandparents are not here yet and there something in my basement......what was that noise? I think someone broke in! I'm going to go look. ok so im walking and blogging cuz im an awesome multitasking monster. Im not crazy there is someone here! ok wait, o god!
I wish i had the power to telaport. Think about it, no car no gas, no being late more time in the day free travel free money, o man o man talk about a life. I would become the worlds first superhero! Taking down bad guys left and right saving people. get a cool outfit and name like the traveler or the golden angel i dont know some cool! and maybe they would write a comic about me. I can;t imagine how awesome it would be to do something like that.
I have once in my life been a hard core bowler. like have two balls my own shoes my own bag own team and a closet full of trophies. now the balls dont fint my fingers, the shoes are 4 sizes to small, and i bowel a 100 instead of my high of 265. I won tournaments and my dad and i even got second in the state once. Who knows what would of happend if i had stuck with it, i know i wouldnt have the life i do now. none of the friends i wouldn't have the love of my life nothing. I'm glad i gave it up.
I think one day i want to be a stock broker. I love the idea behind managing money and i understand all the terms like roth ira and bonds and 40iks and the dow and the yeld and interest and all that its interesting to me. so i want to get into a field that interests me and has a high chance of large amounts of profit. :) so i can support my family and soon to be wifie. :)
I think the plan for the end of the month is to go to Memphis, the problem is there has been flooding there due to mas amounts of Noah proportions. The story hasn't been much different here not as much flooding but lots and lots of rain. a whole weeks worth once, thats enough to fill a swimming pool!
so over the resent years I've found a love for sushi. Its really yummy and comes in all kinds of good flavors and different parts to make it. any type of sea creature is prolly on some kind of sushi. rises and veggies its just a wonderful contraption. maybe I'm strange i would prolly vote yes on that question but regardless if you haven't tried it, what are you doing still reading this go and get some now! yes i mean you! go!!1!11!
i think its funny when people talk about not having things to talk about. its not that you don't have anything you just have to picture a person who doesn't know your name or anything about you and start writing, then when that's tapped out, stop looking for a big chunk of writing but think smaller write about ice cream or your faviorte colors or how to the exstreem our country is what ever. just don't over complicate it.
I have an addiction to facebook games, i wish i could convince everyone to play with me but that's not happening. i love the ones that are really i can't help myself which remember when i said i hate the idea of addiction, well i still suffer from it a lot. Even tho they might not be drugs there still dangerous! It's a legitimate possible rehab one day video game rehab. :(
has anyone ever noticed how funny the titanic is? the hotel on water hit an ice burg and sank. forget you read this in a history book and look at it with new eyes. it sounds like something you would laugh at and then leave the room if someone told you. but alas it is real and a lot of people lost there lives and universal pictures got rich off it. everything about it is funny that's my two cents.
I love cookies, like you don't understand. I LOVE COOKIES!!!!! i have a problem and I'm working on it.....a bit of advise don't get hooked on cookies just run the other way. leave and never look back. save your self and your family cuz once you get your hands on a cookie your done for its the end of you and you know it. all you thing about it cookie cookie cookie! give me more and i wont hurt you mister baker. just heed my words get away wile you can.
whats the point in news? does it really inform you? do you learn things? then if you do is it what you should be learning or what people have decided you should learn? there once was a time when you found the information your self and had to dig and scratch to get it. now not only is it harder to find but your fighting false, smoke screen news. the real stuff is hidden and the real stuff hangs a lot of necks on the line. lets stop worrying about what can advance me job and more on tell the truth and not puff pieces.
what would this world be like if blacks were whites, tall was short, man was woman and everything was different? would it change your out look on life? would you think differently about people you know? what is the point in baiseing you thoughts about someone solely on the first glance? now i will say there are people out there that don't help the stereotyping, i can't tell you how many people I've seen and i think why are you feeding the fire? just get to know people and there situations not there skin color or walk in life.
so today kind of turning out to be a hectic day, my grandparents are coming in, a repair man is here working on the fridge and i have to mow at some point. we will see how this whole day pans out but from where I'm sitting its going to be a bit of a hassle.
my grandparents are coming in today, my dads side. if you know my dad you know it should full of laughs and grow up conversations, which im never shy from. I find myself remwmbering when we all lived in Henderson Kentucky and all visited and all were together for holidays and such. it makes me miss my family all tho im not very close with a lot of them i still love them. :)
I'm an active person, i love running, swimming, hiking, climbing and all of the other unsaid activities. you can't be human or an American and not at some point had an urge to be active. for some its bad taste, for some they physically can't. for them OK i get it. but really there are so many ways for people to be active and i can't help but think what our world would be like if everyone was way more active.
i cant help but be upset when people drive in the rain like its the end of the earth or if there not careful there cars going to be swept away in a tidlewave and they have to go slow and keep a look out. LOOK, there are speed limits rain or shine, dive them. don't randomly break don't swerve it causes wrecks! so instead of being stupid with a big piece of machinery you can be smart and drive the way your suppose to.
i will love the day when i can get stuff or buy stuff myself and nobody touches it moves it or even says anything to me about it. i cant even express how much it upsets me when i need something done and the thing i need done has been moved and i cant find it the person wont pick up the phone and i cant seem to get any where and it all could of been prevented by keeping there grubby paws off my STUFF!!
so i have to say hands down lunch is my favorite meal of the day. i cant get the type of food i can from any other meal its just not there for me and i cant help but salivate over the thought of eating lunch food. maybe one day ill love breakfast of dinner but come on lunch is where it's at. never mind ill never change my mind lunch all the way!
here is to the cardinal's, the team that i love routing for and can't help wanting to kill any cub fans for. i come from Kentucky and everyone there is a cards fan hands down. I was there when mark mcgwire tied the record and i was there when Edmond's made the catch of his career. i love them heart and soul i love them dearly. maybe one day i can take my kids to a cardinals game and they will share my love for the sport.
my cat pepper is loud annoying and meows a lot. he will talk to you and rub on you tell your covered in fur. hes a boy and acts like hes a diva and king of the house. he picks on my 100 pound golden retriever and picks on me sometimes. he has no claws so its like fluffy pillows attacking my arm so i don't mind. my dog fender on the other hand is a coward but a golden ball of love. people say fender and i have the same personalty and i would have to agree. hes cute and a mess i love him a lot. :)

video games

video games for me have been s good and bad, finding them to be something i love and that has brought me rough patches. i found it to be comforting to me when i had no friends and when i didn't have anything to do. I kept playing off and on through my life until things starting meaning more to me than video games. i still play them in bursts but i find it to be an addiction at some points and I'm completely against that concept. I work it around other things that i have going on and it takes back seat to a lot of things. but when i do get a chance to play its fun and allows me to remove myself from the world.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

this is a little story about a girl with a droopy eye, over bite and a lisp. her name is well ill say it like she says it in her broken language chrisnahshehhsja. I set a week aside to train and educate this poor girl and to no avail i became stupider. needless to say none of this is true. if you believed this than your a awful person. Charissa is a really nice, active in missions and is the sister of my girl friend.
so i love baseball, baseball is second to cardinals the team in which i rout for when baseball is going on. this is how i roll, cards fan all the way. I want them to win every day tell i die. im mad when they lose cuz there suppose to win its in the law of man that the cards win every game and never lose and never require me to use punctuation. I have from here on out made it my mission to kill every team that beats the cards tell there the only team left. lets go cards!

book book book

i want to write another book, but the first one i did was a flop, my mom didn't even get a copy i that's write it wasn't published or even reviewed. how about one about scuba diving? no thats not right. One about dog catching and the dog being a mutated human who is also the president of the united states and its a political stab, nooo cant do that. well maybe about pigs flying and politics being honest and playing on words. well i guess i will have to thinkg about this in more detail, until then i big you adieu and fair well.


so today i didn't get enough sleep and I'm cranky, and its affected how i treat the world. so im trying to find ways to improve my mood, its not
im wondering if you have any ideas mister computer......guess not. so i sit in silence. but on the bright side i get to hang out with friends today and im excited about that. now i count down the days tell i pop the question....its going to be exciteing and in my mind over due. i have no doubt she will say yes and i have no doubt its going to be amazing. i just cant wait.