Monday, February 21, 2011


Plain and simple I hate going to work sick. Not your normal cold sick, but strep and mono sick. Work is always trying to catch fakers in the act. I really have no idea how I'm suppose to be of any use to them when i have a fever and body aches. I'M TAKING ANTIBIOTICS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! There has to be a better way to heal up and not have to worry about getting fired. I have to work to make hours, so i can make money, so i can buy the things i really need. Its a never ending cycle that I'm trapped in and can't get out of. The doctor said i could go back to work today, but I'm feeling about the same as i was so what do i do know? I guess it will be a trial and error proses from here. Pray for me and hope that i can make it through the day with out dieing.

Completely loopy and wishing I could stay in bed.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

sound of wedding bells

So I'm kinda dating this girl who i plan on spending the rest of my life with. It's been tough not being able to get the ring and ask her, but I am almost there. Its hard because i know she wants a ring and to tie the knot and to be my girl period. I am feeling some pressure to get this done, but i like it, its giving me the motivation to get this done. I love her with all my heart and I cant imagine myself with anyone else than her. shes more than a dream girl, she blows the girl i dreamed about as a kid out of the water. I'm ready to put the ring on her finger and get married. I love her to death and shes my everything. If you have found your life long love, good for you! if not no worries there out there, i was lucky and found mine very early. Keep your head up and when you do find her, never let them go.

hopelessly in love

Saturday, February 19, 2011

*caugh* *caugh* im ok really!

So a week ago i had a fever and felt like i got hit by a truck, but it got better and other than a once in a wile head ache i was fine. The head aches didn't stop so i went to the doctor and.....turns out i have strep and mono. The reason i missed a post yesterday was for that reason and i am very sorry. Here's to feeling better and here's to the amazing weather! gotta love the smell of summer coming, anyways here's to the wonderful girl who takes care of me no matter what.

sincerely the guy who's all hopped up on meds.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

basketball game

so in a few days ill be going to see the kentucky wildcats play basketball. now many of you might not find this to be very exciting but for my family, this is a HUGE deal. i have followed them since i can remember i lived there for half my life and to be able to go and watch this is crazy amazing, but to top it all off i get to go with my wonderful girlfriend. tell next time this is ethan signing out.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So there i was sitting on my bed, doing a paper and minding my own bid-nis, when out of no where, "sounds of plastic breaking" a piece of black plastic come flying at my face and hits me on the forehead. I look down to see a hinge on my screen has snapped and is flapping in the wind. I then tried to fix it wile not letting my frustration get the best of me, but all my efforts were useless. I then took it to my handy dandy dad, couldn't fix it. So now i must take it to the computer fixer guy and hope for the best. Until then i guess I'll revert back to the stone and chisel tell I can hold my computer in my arms again.

yours slightly upset and unable to check facebook